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Mark Roberts competes in Equestrian Event for

HONG KONG, Aug. 21 -- Mark Roberts was a last minute addition to the Beijing 2008 Olympics Equestrian Events today (Thursday August 21st).

Roberts calmly made his way to the field where he ripped off his clothing revealing a tutu and tatoos on his chest and back. The crowd applauded and laughed as he galloped his way around the course, doing a summer sault here and a leap there. There's no word yet as to his final standing, is there another Gold on the way for the UK?

If world class streaking was an Olympic event, Roberts would certainly take home the gold. From the Super Bowl to the EUFA Cup, he's streaked them all. There's no event, big or small, that can't be improved by a nearly-nude middle aged man prancing around in a tutu.

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